Financial position and cash flow

Poste Italiane SpA’s net invested capital amounts to €2,321 million at 31 December 2018 (€2,239 million at 31 December 2017).


The Poste Italiane Group’s non-current assets amount to €3,035 million at 31 December 2018, a reduction of €42 million compared with the figure at the end of 2017. This figure reflects investment of €538 million – offset by depreciation, amortisation and impairments, totalling €570 million – and the Parent Company’s subscription, in April 2018, for shares issued by Anima Holding SpA as a result of its rights issue, amounting to €30 million. Further movements regard impairment losses of approximately €40 million recognised following impairment tests.

The Group’s investment amounted to €538 million in 2018, an increase of 15% compared with 2017 (up €71 million).




at 31 December
31 December 201831 December 2017 Change
Property, plant and equipment and Investment property 1,993 2,053 (60) -2.9%
Intangible assets 545 516 29 5.6%
Investments accounted for using the equity method 497 508 (11) -2.2%
Total non-current assets 3,035 3,077 (42) -1.4%
Trade receivables, Other receivables and assets and Inventories 6,914 6,170 744 12.1%
Trade payables and other liabilities (5,282) (4,788) (494) 10.3%
Current tax assets and liabilities 105 70 35 50.0%
Net working capital 1,737 1,452 285 19.6%
Gross invested capital 4,772 4,529 243 5.4%
Provisions for risks and charges (1,519) (1,595) 76 -4.8%
Provisions for employee termination benefits (1,187) (1,274) 87 -6.8%
Deferred tax assets/(liabilities) 666 323 343 106.2%
Net invested capital 2,732 1,983 749 37.8%
Equity 8,105 7,550 555 7.4%
of which: net profit 1,399 689 709 102.9%
of which: fair value reserve (69) 371 (440) -118.6%
Financial liabilities 66,929 63,244 3,685 5.8%
Technical provisions for the insurance business 125,076 123,579 1,497 1.2%
Financial assets (190,864) (186,766) (4,098) 2.2%
Cash and deposits attributable to BancoPosta (3,318) (3,196) (122) 3.8%
Cash and cash equivalent (3,195) (2,428) (767) 31.6%
Net funds (5,372) (5,567) 195 -3.5%


Total net funds at 31 December 2018 amount to €5,372 million, down from the figure at 31 December 2017 (when net funds totalled €5,567 million). The change during the period reflects the increase in net working capital and a reduction in the fair value of investments classified as FVTOCI, which is not reflected in the change in technical provisions for the insurance business (as these investments are primarily held by BancoPosta RFC).

at 31 December 2018
Mail, Parcels & DistributionPayments, Mobile and DigitalFinancial ServicesInsurance ServicesAdjustments and eliminationTotal
Property, plant and equipment and Investment property 1,957  23 - 12 1  1,993
Intangible assets 467 30  - 48 - 545 
Investments accounted for using the equity method 1,434 280 214  157 (1,588) 497 
Total non-current assets 3,858 333 214 217 (1,587) 3,035 
Trade receivables, Other receivables and assets and Inventories 2,534 382 2,798 2,433 (1,232) 6,914 
Trade payables and other liabilities (3,259) (502) (1,917) (836) 1,231  (5,282)
Current tax assets and liabilities 86 (3) 1 22 (1) 105 
Net working capital (639)  (123) 882 1,619 (2) 1,737 
Gross invested capital 3,219 210 1,096 1,836 (1,589) 4,772 
Provisions for risks and charges (980) (16) (512) (11) (1) (1,519) 
Provisions for employee termination benefits (1,178) (2) (5) (2) 1 (1,187) 
Deferred tax assets/(liabilities) 389 15 135 127 1 666 
Net invested capital 1,450 207 714 1,950 (1,588) 2,732 
Equity 2,581 243 2,911 3,958 (1,588) 8,105 
of which: net profit (372) 153 617 1,001 - 1,399 
of which: fair value reserve 4 - (72) (1) - (69) 
Financial liabilities 1,259 4,307 67,022 1,034 (6,693) 66,929 
Technical provisions for the insurance business - - - 125,076 - 125,076 
Financial assets (1,417) (4,097) (64,578) (126,545) 5,773 (190,864) 
Cash and deposits attributable to BancoPosta - - (3,318) - - (3,318) 
Cash and cash equivalent (973) (246) (1,323) (1,574) 921 (3,195) 
Net funds (1,131) (36) (2,197) (2,008) - (5,372)

at 31 December 2017

Mail, Parcels & DistributionPayments, Mobile and DigitalFinancial ServicesInsurance ServicesAdjustments and eliminationTotal
Property, plant and equipment and Investment property 2,025 18 1 9 - 2,053
Intangible assets 440 33 - 43 - 516
Investments accounted for using the equity method 1,294 286 222 157 (1,451) 508
Total non-current assets 3,759 337 223 209 (1,451) 3,077
Trade receivables, Other receivables and assets and Inventories 2,352 115 2,454 1,972 (723) 6,170
Trade payables and other liabilities (2,892) (171) (1,526) (781) 582 (4,788)
Current tax assets and liabilities 77 3 (1) (9) - 70
Net working capital (463)  (53) 927 1,182 (141) 1,452
Gross invested capital 3,296 284 1,150 1,391 (1,592) 4,529
Provisions for risks and charges (1,031) (21) (532) (11) - (1,595)
Provisions for employee termination benefits (1,253) (3) (16) (3) 1 (1,274)
Deferred tax assets/(liabilities) 388 10 94 (170) 1 323
Net invested capital 1,400 270 696 1,207 (1,590) 1,983
Equity 2,735 325 2,702 3,378 (1,590) 7,550
of which: net profit (502) 146 499 546 - 689
of which: fair value reserve 12 - 180 179 - 371
Financial liabilities 2,249 3,249 62,274 1,017 (5,545) 63,244
Technical provisions for the insurance business - - - 123,579 - 123,579
Financial assets (1,587) (3,283) (60,688) (125,860) 4,652 (186,766)
Cash and deposits attributable to BancoPosta - - (3,196) - - (3,196)
Cash and cash equivalent (1,997) (21) (396) (907) 893 (2,428)
Net funds (1,335) (55) (2,197) (2,006) - (5,567)