Segment profit or loss - Financial Services

  For the nine months
ended 30 September
(€m) 2015 2014 Amount %
Revenue from sales and services 3,532 3,616 (84) -2.3%
Other income from financial activities 441 339 102 30.1%
Other operating income 1 5 (4) -80.0%
Total external revenue 3,974 3,960 14 0.4%
Intersegment revenue 380 311 69 22.2%
Total revenue 4,354 4,271 83 1.9%
Cost of goods and services 141 181 (40) -22.1%
Other expenses from financial activities 9 11 (2) -18.2%
Personnel expenses 94 87 7 8.0%
Depreciation, amortisation and impairments 1 2 (1) -50.0%
Other operating costs 86 55 31 56.4%
Intersegment costs 3,336 3,458 (122) -3.5%
Total costs 3,667 3,794 (127) -3.3%
Operating profit/(loss) (EBIT) 687 477 210 44.0%