Insurance Services segment profit or loss

For the nine months ended 30 September
Upfront Life 264 332 (68) -20.5%
Net investment result Life 707 665 42 6.3%
Technical margin Life 18 13 5 38.5%
Change in other technical provisions and other technical costs/income (37) (49) 12 24.5%
Net Life revenue 952 961 (9) -0.9%
Premium revenue 124 97 27 27.8%
Change in technical provisions and claims expenses (29) (29) (1) -3.6%
Result from reinsurance (8) (6) (2) -33.3%
Net Non-life income (*) 1 (1) 2 n/s
Net Non-life revenue 88 62 26 41.9%
Other operating income 8 8 - n/s
Intersegment revenue 1 1 - n/s
Total revenue 1,049 1,032 17 1.6%
Personnel expenses 28 26 2 7.7%
of which personnel expenses 27 26 1 3.8%
of which early retirement incentives 1 - 1 n/s
Other operating costs 59 63 (4) -6.3%
Depreciation, amortisation and impairments 12 13 (1) -7.7%
Intersegment costs 359 405 (46) -11.4%
of which fees 330 377 (47) -12.5%
Total costs 458 507 (49) -9.7%
EBIT 591 525 66 12.6%
EBIT MARGIN 56.3% 50.9% 5.5%
Finance income/(costs) 50 30 20 66.7%
Profit/(Loss) before tax 641 555 86 15.5%
Income tax expense 224 208 16 7.7%
Net profit 417 347 70 20.2%

n/s: not significant
(*) Includes finance income from investments by the Non-life business and other income and expenses from insurance activities.