Three months ended 31 March
Life premium revenue 5,284 5,891 (607) -10.3%
Life net income (*) 425 979 (554) -56.6%
Movements in premium reserve, technical provisions, reinsurance and other Life claims expenses (5,414) (6,568) 1,1154 -17.6%
Net Life revenue 295 302 (7) -2.3%
Non-life premium revenue 28 25 3 12.0%
Non-life net income (*) 4 3 1 33.3%
Movements in premium reserve, technical provisions, reinsurance and other Non-life claims expenses (6) (6) - n/s
Net Non-life revenue 26 22 4 18.2%
Other operating income 3 3 - n/s
Total revenue 324 327 (3) -0.9%
Personnel expenses 10 9 1 11.1%
of which personnel expenses 10 9 1 11.1%
of which early retirement incentives - - - n/s
Other operating costs 21 22 (1) -4.5%
Depreciation, amortisation and impairments 4 4 - n/s
Intersegment costs 145 147 (2) -1.4%
Total costs 180 182 (2) -1.1%
EBIT 144 145 (1) -0.7%
EBIT MARGIN 44.4% 44.3% 0.1%
Finance income/(costs) 12 12 - n/s
Profit/(Loss) before tax 156 157 (1) -0.6%
Income tax expense 61 60 1 1.7%
Profit for the period 95 97 (2) -2.1%

(*) After expenses deriving from insurance activities.
n/s: not significantThree