Postal and Business Services include the letter post, express delivery, logistics, parcels and philately activities carried out by Poste Italiane SpA and certain subsidiaries, in addition to the activities conducted by various units of the Parent Company for BancoPosta RFC and the other segments in which the Group operates.
Legislative Decree 58/2011 provides that Poste Italiane SpA is the universal postal service provider for fifteen years from 30 April 2011. The efficiency of provision of the service is verified every five years by the Ministry for Economic Development, based on an assessment performed by the regulator (AGCom – the Italian Communications Authority). Letter post includes Poste Italiane SpA’s traditional postal services, direct marketing and innovative services for paper-based as well as electronic communications in addition to e-Government services. Postel SpA provides communications services to businesses and Public Sector entities, offering a full range of services including mass printing and enveloping, electronic document management, direct marketing and commercial printing..
The Express Delivery and Parcels business relates to express delivery products offered on the deregulated market by Poste Italiane SpA to retail and SME customers, and by SDA Express Courier SpA to business customers. SDA also provides its customers with integrated solutions for distribution, logistics and catalogue sales. The provision of standard parcel services falls under the Universal Service obligation (USO).
As noted previously, there are a number of Group companies that provide support services for mail, express delivery, logistics, parcels and philately:

Mistral Air Srl provides air mail services to Poste Italiane SpA (in conjunction with Consorzio Logistica Pacchi ScpA) as part of postal service operations, in addition to air freight and passenger services for other customers.

Europa Gestioni Immobiliari SpA (EGI) operates in the real estate sector, managing and developing properties through urban and property redevelopment, with a view to their commercialisation (leases and sales). Due to the nature of the properties, the service is mainly provided to large customers, often public entities. The company also procures energy for the Poste Italiane Group, acting as a wholesale purchaser, and deals with energy saving projects for Poste Italiane SpA.

PosteTutela SpA offers secure funds logistics services (transport, escort, custody, and currency counts), fixed and mobile security, as well as all types of surveillance and protection of sensitive data. These services are provided to the Poste Italiane’s operating units and customers outside the Group, for whom it primarily carries out the movement of cash and valuables.

PatentiViaPoste ScpA is a not-for-profit, joint-stock consortium that serves as a jointly owned vehicle for its shareholders in managing and fulfilling the contract regarding the centralised printing, distribution and delivery of European driving licences and vehicle registration certificates.

The not-for-profit consortium, PosteMotori, serves as a jointly owned vehicle for its shareholders in managing and fulfilling the contract regarding management and remittance services for payments, by road users, for the services provided by the Department of Transport.

The Mail, Logistics and Communication function is aimed at bringing all areas of business relating to the postal, logistics and communications services provided by the Group1 under one roof. This function is responsible for end-to-end management of operating processes, development and management of the offering and the activities involved in its supply.
The logistics network2 is locally organised on two levels, the first of which deals with coordination and is represented by Area Logistics Offices responsible for one or more regions, whilst the second is operational and includes sorting centres (mechanical and manual) and distribution centres (Delivery Offices).


1 Postel SpA, SDA Express Courier SpA, Consorzio Logistica Pacchi ScpA and Mistral Air Srl report to the Mail, Logistics and Communication function.
2The logistics process breaks down into receipt, collection, transport, sorting and delivery.


The Financial services segment primarily regards the BancoPosta RFC offering, with these activities being regulated by Presidential Decree 144 of 14 March 2001, as amended. These activities include: management of private and Public Administration customer deposits and the related investment, postal savings deposits issued by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (Savings Books and Interest-bearing Postal Certificates), collection and payment services, the sale and distribution of financial products issued by banks and other finance companies authorised to provide investment services, and electronic money services via the issue of debit and prepaid cards.

The BancoPosta3 function is responsible for creating, designing and managing the Group’s financial product and service offerings, as well as checking the compliance of insurance, savings and investment products sold as an intermediary. In 2016, these activities were also carried out via coordination of the operations of Banca del Mezzogiorno – MedioCredito Centrale SpA and without affecting the operational autonomy of this company in compliance with the relevant legal and regulatory requirements. In addition, the function is responsible for processing the related products and services, partly through the coordination of local operating centres, including:

  • three Unified Service Automation Centres, where the payment slips for bills paid at post offices are processed;
  • two Centres for the processing of cleared cheques;
  • two Multi-service Centres located in Turin and Ancona, which carry out certain back-office processes (fraud analysis and management, credit checks, the management of payment orders for legal and other expenses, as well as postal savings products).


3 Poste Tributi ScpA reports to the BancoPosta function.


The Insurance Services business is run by the Postevita insurance group, a registered insurance group that includes the parent, Poste Vita SpA, and its subsidiaries, Poste Assicura SpA and Poste Welfare Servizi Srl. The Group operates in the life and non-life insurance business, as well as in the provision of health insurance.

As already mentioned, from 2016, BancoPosta Fondi SpA SGR - a company responsible for the collective management of savings via the establishment and management of mutual investment funds, and the individual management of investment portfolios relating to on behalf of other institutions within the Group – now forms part of the Insurance Services and Asset Management segment, having previously been allocated to the Financial Services segment.


The Other services segment includes PosteMobile SpA and Consorzio per i servizi di telefonia Mobile ScpA operations.
PosteMobile is the Group’s mobile operator which, in keeping with its planned development, has gradually switched from being an Enhanced Service Provider (or ESP) to operating as a Full MVNO (a Full Mobile Virtual Network Operator). Consorzio per i Servizi di Telefonia Mobile ScpA is responsible for providing Poste Italiane with electronic communications networks and the related platforms, systems and terminals, by coordinating, organising and managing the resources, equipment and people made available by consortium members. The consortium is also responsible for supplying the related mobile, fixed-line, integrated and value added services.