Segment profit or loss - Insurance Services

for the six months ended 30 June (€m)20172016Increase/(decrease)
Net insurance premium revenue




gross premium revenue


10,573 549 5.2%
outward reinsurance premiums 24 22 2 9.1%
Fee and commission income 45 28 17 60.7%
Net financial income from assets related to traditional products 1,717 2,101 (384) -18.3%
Net financial income from assets related to index- and unit-linked products 75 (113) 188 n/s
Net change in technical provisions for insurance business and other claims expenses 12,171 11,944 227 1.9%
Claims paid 5,141 3,693 1,448 39.2%
Net change in technical provisions for insurance business 7,044 8,262 (1,218) -14.7%
Change in technical provisions where investment risk is transferred to policyholders (14) (11) 3 27.3%
Investment management expenses 9 9 - n/s
Acquisition and administration costs 356 329 27 8.2%
Net commissions and other acquisition costs 273 250 23 9.2%
Operating expenses 83 79 4 5.1%
Other revenue/(costs), net (29) (15) (14) 93.3%
Operating profit/(loss) (EBIT) 370 270 100 37.0%

n/s: not significant